Experience CARDIOBAT, the innovative safe cardiovascular training service supervised by physiotherapy specialists. Join us and improve your heart health with monitored and personalized sessions

What is cardiobat?

CARDIOBAT 🏋️‍♀️💚New cardiovascular training service in Fisiobat!!

If you have suffered from a heart condition or have a cardiovascular problem, this is your workout. Where you will do cardio exercise safely and controlled by a specialist in cardiovascular physiotherapy.

If you want to do cardio exercise safely, sign up for CARDIOBAT, we will have you monitored throughout the session 📈⚡️

We have open groups on Tuesdays and Fridays in the morning and afternoon, between 4 to 6 people per group. It consists of one hour, performing cardio exercise and also combining strength exercises. You will be monitored throughout the session, where we will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure and electrocardiogram.

The benefits are immediate for your heart and cardiovascular system. Improve your resistance and you will notice an improvement in your overall health.

You can do 1 class a week (€39/month) or 2 classes a week (€59.50/month)


Who is it addressed to?

It is suitable for all people and all ages since it is a personalized exercise according to your physical condition. But above all it is aimed at anyone who wants to do controlled cardio exercise because they have suffered from a heart condition or because they are starting to play sports or because they have some suspicion or symptom that they want to control.

Don’t hesitate and reserve your place